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interior repair中文是什么意思

用"interior repair"造句"interior repair"怎么读"interior repair" in a sentence


  • 内部修葺


  • To undertake flat interior repair and maintenance works relating to safety and hygiene of the premises
  • On safety and hygienic considerations , interest - free loans will also be provided to owners of eligible buildings for carrying out interior repair and maintenance works to improve their overall living environment
  • On safety and hygienic considerations , interest - free loans will also be provided to owners of eligible buildings for carrying out interior repair and maintenance works to improve their overall living environment
  • Under the hkhs s " building management and maintenance scheme " , the hkhs will give priority to elderly owners to apply for interest - free loans for carrying out interior repair or maintenance works to improve on safety and hygiene and the overall living environment
  • Under the hkhs s " building management and maintenance scheme " , the hkhs will give priority to elderly owners to apply for interest - free loans for carrying out interior repair or maintenance works to improve on safety and hygiene and the overall living environment
用"interior repair"造句  
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